Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need Disability Insurance, I have health insurance?
Health Insurance pays for the treatment of illness or injury. Disability Insurance pays for lost income/wages due to injury or illness.
I don’t have a dangerous job, so I don’t need Disability Insurance, right?
Not necessarily. Disability Insurance is designed to provide income when you are unable to work because of a disability – injury or illness.
I do not work outside the home or have a paycheck, do I need Disability Insurance?
Surprisingly, you probably do! That is because if you are disabled and unable to do all the ‘jobs’ you do at home or take care of the kids, you will need to hire someone to do those jobs for you.
Things to Consider
» How long can I/my family survive without having income?
» Who will do all the ‘jobs around the house’ or take care of the kids if I/my spouse is disabled?
» How much insurance income would I need to bridge the gap until I can work again?
In Summary
At RiverStone Insurance, we have access to several unique Disability Insurance options and will help determine if you need Disability Insurance and if so, how much is appropriate.
Contact us by phone at (763) 682-6242 today or email one of our licensed agents for assistance.